In the bustling city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, a creative and marketing agency named Brim is redefining the landscape of branding and advertising with a unique...
In the world of entertainment, there exist individuals whose diverse talents transcend singular labels. Among them is Balwinder Singh Dehal, a name that resonates with...
In the world of entertainment, there exist individuals whose diverse talents transcend singular labels. Among them is Rajdeep Singh Bassi, a name that resonates with...
In the world of entertainment, there exist individuals whose diverse talents transcend singular labels. Among them is Yash Kumar Navinchandra Patel, a name that resonates...
L to R: Aditya Balani, Co-Founder of GMI; Frizzell D’Souza-Singer/Songwriter, Vasu Dixit- Composer/filmmaker; Aditi Ramesh- Singer/Songwriter/ Fusion Artist This carefully curated event is tailor-made for...
We are excited to announce a powerful collaboration between Cercle X and South Chennai Alliance, a dynamic partnership that signals a major stride in the...
Men and women have different workout/fitness goals. While men focus on athletic activities that do not involve much dance or coordination, women choose a balanced...
New Delhi (India), November 29: In the bustling city of Kolkata, India, Dr. Omkar Prasad Baidya stands as a beacon of knowledge and compassion. Born on...
Uttar Pradesh (India), November 30: Noida International University (NIU) successfully concluded its first-ever Annual Sports Week on November 26, 2023, culminating in a grand closing...